The Nazario Martin group is at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. We are researching in many interests span a range of targets with emphasis on the chemistry of carbon nanostructures such as fullerenes and carbon nanotubes, p-conjugated systems as molecular wires, and electroactive molecules, namely tetrathiafulvalenes (TTFs), in the context of electron transfer processes, photovoltaic applications and nanoscience.
How to reach us:
We are in Ciudad Universitaria station (L6 Underground). To get Chemistry Faculty you may take the bus (G, U, F or 82 to Peñagrande) at Ciudad Universitaria station.
The Nazario Martin group is at the Organic Chemistry Department on the third floor of B building.
Job offer
El Pais
ABC Ciencia
El Pais
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Organic Chemistry Department | Chemistry Faculty | E-28040 Madrid. Spain. |
Tel: +34 91 3944227 | Fax: +34 91 3944103 | e-mail: